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قديم 08-19-2010, 10:39 PM
الصورة الرمزية reham
reham reham غير متواجد حالياً

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افتراضي Unesco prize


By/ Amr Ellissy

It was a dream and became reality. The idea that I might get the UNESCO prize did not come in my mind when Arab States Broadcasting Union in Tunisia had informed me about my nomination of the UNESCO prize in the developmental media field because of the international competition among more than 40 countries and because I know the impact of political lobby to arbitration, but my hope in Allah is great. I went on following up the results of the qualifiers. The beginning was the liquidation among 40 countries. In this time I felt that hope is weak, but I said to myself that the honor of my nomination to this prize on behalf of Egypt is enough for me. It was a surprise when the ambassador Ismael khairt and the ambassador Alaa Mousa had told me that I entered the finals and the 40 countries became only six countries. Although I know that there are political pressures to not win Egypt, the hope enlarged inside me. Hours began to pass as days and I am still following the qualifiers which happen in Paris during my sitting with my family. Then, I was told that the qualifiers lead to my escalation with other three countries to before the final qualifying round. The hope enlarged inside me and followed by worry and between smiles and sad, I felt terror but this feeling quickly disappeared by informing me that I escalated the finals with Mexico country that represented by Southern National Mexico Radio. The greatest surprise was when the UNESCO informed me that I won the UNESCO prize that divided equally between Mexico. In this time tears flowed from my eyes and long memories tape passed in front of my eyes with its events from the beginning of my choosing by Dream channel to present television program and I choose it to be (Wahed Men EL-nas). I remembered how I met governmental attacks from some heads and governors. I also remembered how the channel had cancelled some parts from the program that show the problems of slums and poor towns. A great happy happened to me and my coworkers and I made sure that I walk in the right way in spite of its difficulty, its cruelty, and its pain ,but I always feel that Allah does not waste award who do well. In minutes after I was informed about my travel to Paris to make a speech and get the prize, I began to think what I will say and in which language I will speak. I decided to make my speech in Arabic. Already, I had travelled to France and found a very warm reception from people who have a great favor by their diplomatic role to get Egypt this prize and first of all the ambassadors Ismael khairt, Mohamed El Zahby, Alaa Mousa, Ihab El Badwy, and Naser Kamel. All of them play a vital role in supporting me and standing beside me. I have already gone to the UNESCO office with all of them. They are worthful Egyptian and wonderful face for Egypt who push me forward and standing beside me. I went to the UNESCO with steady calm steps. The ambassador in UNESCO welcomed me greatly. I ascend my seat in the largest meeting room. After declaring my win and receiving the prize, I made my speech at which I spoke about my experience in media work field. Just minutes, I found the ambassador of Venezuela comes near me to say that despite the fact that Venezuela is a country that near to Mexico, Venezuela casting vote was to Egypt because of the high quality of what I presented from media program that presents and treats the poor problems. Just minutes, I saw the ambassador of India who pulls my resolve and lists the diplomatic meetings in a great warm of Irenabukova (the general manager of UNESCO). She also said that there is a great jump in the Egyptian media in presenting and solving the issues of the poor and the marginalized. The best minute in my life was when I was standing to make Egypt speech in this great international forum. Finally, I present this prize to the poor in Egypt, to my father and mother who planted in my heart the love of Redemption and sacrifice in order to uphold the spiritual values and to my sons and your sons who I wish to live in a bright future with love and mercy among people.

هل تعرف كم احببتك
هل تعرف كم افتقدك
يا من ترك الدنيا بكل متعتها
اليوم تذهب الى الالهه الخالق
كيوم فيه ولدت باكيا
فهل تذهب بحسنات ام سيئات
حتى تلاقى الله ضاحكا مسرورا

رد مع اقتباس

مواقع النشر (المفضلة)

الكلمات الدلالية (Tags)
prize, unesco

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