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قديم 01-28-2012, 10:38 AM
الصورة الرمزية reham
reham reham غير متواجد حالياً

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افتراضي Biography of Amr Ellissy

Biography of Amr Ellissy
Prepared by
Ali Al-Shami
Translated by


Amr Mamdouh Ellissy
Current job:
Chairman and editor of Al Kamis daily newspaper
- He gets bachelor of The High Institute of Cinema {very good grade} in 1990.
- He gets M.A in media science 2001 from Adams Smith University at U.S.A.
- He gets PH.D in the field of developmental media from UNESCO organization for 2010.
Current works:

- Professor at the Higher Institute of Art Criticism.
- Professor at the Higher Institute of Cinema.
-Professor at the international academy for media science.
- Chancellor at culture and media committee at people's council {2005 till now}
-Preparer and presenter of Aktrak program at the Egyptian TV {2001 till now}
- Head of the assembly of Egypt's cultural renaissance of intellectual media.
- Presenter of the program of Wahed Men El Nas on Dream 2 channel {2009 till 2011}
- Presenter of the social religious program Hayatona with Habib Ali Jafri on Dream channel.
Previous experience:
-Director at third channel on Egyptian TV.
- General Manager at MBC space channel at London {1999 – 1991}
He published a group of books as following:

Nfous A′ariah 1994.
Al Quds 1999.

Jerusalem 1997.

Akhtrak 2003.
Al′amil babl 2008.
The last minutes in the life of president Abed El Nasser 2009.
- He gets award of the best manager at MBC channel for 1993, 1994, 1995.

- He gets award of the best political programs′ presenter in Cairo Festival for Radio and Television 2001, 2002, 2004.
- He gets a ward of the best programs′ presenter for 2005 from faculty of medicine in Ain Shams University.
- He gets a ward of the best presenter for 2008 from Assuit University.
- He gets a ward of the best presenter of political program for 2006 at the referendum which is hold by Information Center of the Council of Ministers.
- He gets a ward of CNN channel for the best investigations program for 2007.
- He gets a journalism prize of Mustafa and Ali Amin for 2008.
- He gets a ward of the best presenter of program for 2008 from League of Arab States.
- He is the ambassador of Health Organization Tender for 2009-2010{Regional Office for the Middle East}
- He gets a ward of the best program presenter for 2009 in a referendum at Al Goheria newspaper.
- He gets UNISCO prize in the field of developmental media for 2009.
Memberships of professional association and community institutions:
He is a member in:
Press syndicate.
Higher Committee of Cairo International Film Festival.
Assembly of Egypt's Cultural Renaissance.
Food Bank of Egypt {Founding member – 2006}
He has annual award on his behalf awarded by Faculty of Media in Cairo University for the top-department of Press, Radio, and Television.
He takes part in covering many actions such as:

- The annual meeting of the Organization of Arab States Broadcasting Union.

-- January 2009, Jeddah, and Saudi Arabia.
--The economic conference –State of Kuwait –February 2009.

--An opened public lecture in Japanese security for the development of science – Cairo Station {April 2007}

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فهل تذهب بحسنات ام سيئات
حتى تلاقى الله ضاحكا مسرورا

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