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قديم 04-26-2010, 08:19 PM
الصورة الرمزية reham
reham reham غير متواجد حالياً

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افتراضي Congratulations Amr Ellissy For Winning The UNESCO IPDC Prize For Rural Communication


Egyptian Chronicles - Wed, 2010-03-17 19:34 By

Despite I do not like Amr Ellissy’s TV show on the national TV and his newspaper yet I can’t deny that I respect him a lot after following his Thursday TV show on Dream TV2 “ Someone from the people”. Amr Ellissy has won the UNSECO IPDC Prize for Rural communications for his TV show jointly with Mexican newspaper for 2009 and he is going to receive the award in Paris next March 24th insh Allah.
His TV show has become a witness on the real Mubarak’s regime achievements in the past 28 years by shading the light on the other Egypt the NDP regime does not want to recognize as if there were no Egyptians living there !! I will not be overestimating when I say that Amr Ellissy’s show has become an opposition TV show despite the fact that Ellissy himself can’t be considered an opponent journalist. I once read an interview with him in an Egyptian newspaper where he revealed that he wanted to present this show on the national TV and of course this show was rejected !!
Ironically last Monday I think Lamis El-Hadidy presented an episode from her news night talk show ‘ From the heart of Egypt’ from Port Said and guess what for the first time on National TV someone goes and records the misery of the people living in Zerzara shanty town !! Thousands of People live in inhuman conditions there more anyone can imagine and what is worst the government allocated new houses from them by millions yet the governorate distributed these houses on other people and do not ask me how !! The problem is that Zerzara just one shanty town among many shanty towns in Egypt !! Ellissy every Thursday shows such area exposing the regime whether accidently or not and guess what some times his show forces the governors to do something so they would not look bad in front of the President !!
By the way some regime speakers are saying that Ellissy is defaming Egypt’s image, well my dear ones the regime is the one that has been defaming Egypt for neglecting the people all those years !!
Hats off Amr Ellissy , you deserve it for showing the other Egypt your officials do not want us to know.
هل تعرف كم احببتك
هل تعرف كم افتقدك
يا من ترك الدنيا بكل متعتها
اليوم تذهب الى الالهه الخالق
كيوم فيه ولدت باكيا
فهل تذهب بحسنات ام سيئات
حتى تلاقى الله ضاحكا مسرورا

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 04-26-2010, 08:21 PM   رقم المشاركة : [2]
الصورة الرمزية reham
إرسال رسالة عبر Skype إلى reham

على فكرة الموضوع منقول وانا بتعجبنى صراحة ا/عمرو

هل تعرف كم احببتك
هل تعرف كم افتقدك
يا من ترك الدنيا بكل متعتها
اليوم تذهب الى الالهه الخالق
كيوم فيه ولدت باكيا
فهل تذهب بحسنات ام سيئات
حتى تلاقى الله ضاحكا مسرورا

reham غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05-02-2011, 07:41 PM   رقم المشاركة : [3]
ahmed raoof

there's an American idiom says ........ Give The Devil His Due ........ and really i appreciate and pride that Mr Amr belongs to our beloved country ....... really he is a source of pride for all Egyptian people....... go ahead Mr Amr

ahmed raoof غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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communication, congratulations, ellissy, winning

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